New Layers of Rome 2 iPhone app now available at no cost from the AppStore
LAYERS OF ROME 2 in Campus Martius:
Notes on Urban Design
Rome is an exceptional laboratory for the study of urban design. Walk the streets and piazzas with the Layers of Rome 2 app to learn how ancient construction shaped modern urban form. The Navigator Map directs you to 12 sites that are among the most remarkable examples of layering in central Rome’s Campus Martius—a district continuously inhabited, modified and reused for over 2000 years. Experience this urban palimpsest through 3D model animations, narrated videos and texts that amplify spatial design themes for each site.
- Piazza Navona: Festival of Stone and Water
- Palazzo Massimo: Palace on the Corso
- Sant’Ivo: Borromini’s Spiral Tower
- Santa Maria dell Pace: Mayor of the Block
- Sant’Agostino: Migrating Travertine
- Pantheon: Megastructure of Hadrian
- Sant’Ignazio: Piazza as Baroque Parlor
- Piazza di Pietra: Reworking Ancient Ground
- Camp dei Fiori: Field of Flowers, Place of Executions
- Piazza Farnese: Privately Owned Public Space
- Theater of Pompey: Ghosts of an Ancient Theater
- Via de’ Giubbonari: Street of the Jacket Makers
KEYWORDS: Rome, urban design, architecture, public space, history, knowledge, palimpsest, figure-ground, linkage, place...
Professor Roger T. Trancik, FASLA
College of Architecture, Art, and Planning
Cornell University — USA / Rome
LAYERS OF ROME 2 APP — a glimpse

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